Tentang Pekerjaan

  • Melaksanakan kegiatan Demand Creation ke petani, seperti: Farmer Meeting, Field Trip, dan Demoplot
  • Support untuk meminta PO/ order ke kios pertanian
  • Support kegiatan promosi di kios seperti One Day Promotion, pemasangan Gimmick/ store merchandising lainnya
  • Mencatat dan melaporkan dokumen untuk penyelesaian kegiatan Demand Creation dan kegiatan promosi di kios pertanian ke Agronomis/ Sub Head
  • Supporting kegiatan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan sales


  • Pendidikan min D3 Pertanian
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik (verbal dan tertulis)
  • Memiliki pengetahuan terkait budidaya tanaman

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Informasi Tambahan

About Great Giant Foods

Making Food Great for the World's Growing Population.

Great Giant Foods (GGF) vision to become a modern manufacturing company, producing various agriculture and farming commodities, from fresh and canned fruits, to livestock products.

Today, through its affiliates, partners, and representative offices in Asia, Europe, and the US, GGF delivers food products and agricultural commodities to the global market around the world.

The company's processing facilities are certified with domestic and international standard for food processing and safety. The products not only distribute in local market but exported to over 60 countries in Asia Pacific, North America, South America, Middle East and Europe.

Great Giant Foods has already been actively implementing green practices for over 30 years. And we learned that although there is a cost involved in going green, profits do not necessarily have to take a hit. We speak from experience, because in 10 short years, these green practices have boosted our yield per hectare by as much as 50%.

Going Green is a process, not a one-time project. At our plantation, nothing is wasted; every part is utilised. We are the original RRR production unit- and have earned our ‘green’ label by consistently implementing green measures across the board.

Tanggal Pendaftaran

01 January 1970 - 30 June 2023

Batas Usia

- Tahun

Lokasi Tes

  • Pemalang, Central Java (Jawa Tengah)

Lokasi Penempatan

  • Pemalang, Central Java (Jawa Tengah)

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